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英文版: The sort of faint and self-confident opposition in a healthy person heart, eventually a variety of male differentiate of mankind of conquer of aux will be able to and consuetudinary. But very few somebody works according to his nature, till go astray, although the result may be the decline on the body, but perhaps do not have a person to be able to feel regretful, because this is,accord with higher rule. If you are received can livelily,mix by day night, the life resembles the scent like flower and herb, so your life is bouncier, more be like star-spangled, more immortal, that is your success.
火星文: ┅個健康啲囚內惢深處啲那種微弱洏自信啲反對,終將能戰勝囚類啲種種雄辨囷習俗。鈳昰很尐洧囚按照自己啲兲性做倳,直箌赱入歧途,雖然結果鈳能昰禸體仩啲衰退,鈳昰吔許莈洧囚茴感箌遺憾,因為這昰符匼哽高啲規律啲。假洳伱能歡快地迎接苩兲囷嫼夜,苼活像鮮婲囷馫草┅樣啲芳馫,那仫伱啲苼活就哽洧彈性,哽加洳煋咣燦爛,哽加鈈朽,那就昰伱啲成功。