李开复 · 846人关注
英文版: Nearly hundred years come, chinese youth can understand advanced and complete education finally, can conditional absorption the arrogant that read and makes a period child, their behoove makes fuse the elite of meeting Chinese and Western, but regrettablly is, although they have favour to be born in the times of free choice, but the times did not gift the wisdom that they choose.
火星文: 近百姩唻,ф國圊姩朂終能夠悝解先進完整啲教育,能夠洧條件專惢讀圕並成為塒玳啲驕孓,彵們悝應成為融茴ф覀啲精英,但鈳惜啲昰,彵們雖然洧圉絀苼茬自由選擇啲塒玳,但塒玳並莈洧賦予彵們選擇啲智慧。