鲁迅 · 384人关注
英文版: The Chinese's disposition is to always like to mediate eclectic. You say for example, this house is too dark, must open a window here, scarcely allows authority. But if you advocate,pull down housetop, they can mediate, be willing window. Without more intense view, they also always do not agree even gentle reform to go.
火星文: ф國囚啲性情昰總囍歡調囷折ф啲。譬洳伱詤,這屋孓呔暗,須茬這裏開┅個窗,夶鎵┅萣鈈尣許啲。但洳果伱主漲拆掉屋頂,彵們就茴唻調囷,願意開窗叻。莈洧哽噭烮啲主漲,彵們總連平囷啲改革吔鈈肯荇。