史铁生 · 649人关注
英文版: In more than 400 years, it eroded the coloured glaze with coxcombical head of ancient hall brim, weak fade what show off on door wall is vermilion, collapse collapsed wall of a paragraph of stage high scattered again column of carve of jade build by laying bricks or stones, the old cypress all around sees altar more vicissitudes of life, everywhere weed barren cane is flourish also comfortable and magnanimous.
火星文: 四百哆姩裏,咜侵蝕叻古殿簷頭浮誇啲琉璃,淡褪叻闁壁仩炫耀啲朱紅,坍圮叻┅段段高牆又散落叻玊砌雕欄,祭壇四周啲咾柏樹愈見滄桑,箌處啲野草荒藤吔都茂盛嘚自茬坦蕩。