韩寒 · 544人关注
英文版: Of China true powerful, unless one person runs quickly, depend on otherwise the culture work that shows level to let whole world be convinced truly. This needs the effort with all cultural workers and joint government, want your untie a person only, we are not short of good artist, likely of course I am not, but having a batch of people certainly is. Even if be the work that criticizes you, give aid to like you it. Or do you plan to rely on panda and tea to touch a whole world forever.
火星文: ф國の眞㊣啲強夶,除非┅囚┅囼奔馳,否則就取決於哯階段洧莈洧眞㊣讓銓卋堺信垺啲攵囮作品。這需偠所洧啲攵囮囚囷官方囲哃啲努仂,呮偠伱松綁,莪們從唻鈈缺恏啲藝術鎵,當然鈳能莪鈈昰,但┅萣洧┅批囚昰。哪怕昰批評伱啲作品,伱┅樣扶持咜。偠鈈然伱咑算詠遠靠熊貓囷茶旪去感動銓卋堺嗎。