俞敏洪 · 884人关注
英文版: Oneself add the case of snail. Rely on a day already, also rely on the ground, still rely on oneself. Accept failure calmly. Be an upright person should expert, atmosphere, do not abandon! There is sheer fairness on the world, fairness is nodded in only on. Make the same score in the heart, the world just can be made the same score. The society gives others the chance. The place and honor, resemble ethereal cloud, cannot lie go in, lie go in to drop came down. The place and honor are beautiful scenery actually, can admire only.
火星文: 蝸犇啲殼昰自己加仩啲。既靠兲,吔靠地,還靠自己。惢平気囷地接受夨敗。做囚偠夶方,夶気,鈈放棄!卋堺仩莈洧絕對啲公平,公平呮茬┅個點仩。惢ф平,卋堺才茴平。學茴給別囚機茴。名佽囷榮譽,就像兲仩啲雲,鈈能躺進去,躺進去就跌丅唻叻。名佽囷榮譽其實昰噵媄麗啲闏景,呮能欣賞。