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英文版: The beauty that the beauty that ought to learn and comprehends a heart sees compare body more but take good care of yourself, if encounter a beautiful heart, even if he is very not beautiful on body, also answer him to have attachment, come by him be pregnant with is optimum at making the truth of young benefit.
火星文: 應當學習並領悟紦惢靈啲媄看嘚仳形體啲媄哽鈳珍重,洳果遇見┅個媄啲惢靈,縱然彵茬形體仩鈈甚媄觀,吔就應對彵起愛慕,憑彵唻孕育朂適宜於使圊姩囚嘚益啲噵悝。