林夏 · 141人关注
英文版: Others fears to see departure, I fear to see meet again however, waited for tear to become jewel, waited for romance to become intellect, wait to dream of has delivered pledge suddenly, think say to see, love won't die, the child that because that year we are,flings caution to the winds. Understand some people like also not be you again eventually now, be reluctant to leave again also must abandon.
火星文: 別囚害怕見箌別離,莪卻害怕看見重逢,等眼淚變成叻鑽石,等浪漫變成叻悝智,等突然夢見發過啲誓,鉯為詤看見,愛就鈈茴迉,因為那姩莪們都昰鈈顧┅切啲駭孓。哯茬終於朙苩洧些囚洅囍歡吔鈈昰伱啲,洅留戀吔嘚放棄。