郭敬明 · 420人关注
英文版: Before also a smile goes out at the moment in my life, but be returned finally,be abreaction like mist, and that smile, in making my heart deep a of bury rapid river, cannot swim across, the sound of that river, become me daily every night sings acedialy.
火星文: 鉯往吔洧┅個笑容絀此刻莪啲苼命裏,鈳昰朂終還昰洳霧般消散,洏那個笑容,就成為莪惢ф深深埋藏啲┅條湍ゑ河鋶,無法泅渡,那河鋶啲聲喑,就成為莪烸ㄖ烸夜絕望啲歌唱。