白岩松 · 309人关注
英文版: China reform of more than 30 years, more than 20 original years, target very content is changed, comparatively well-off. Dress warmly and ear one's fill. Break up two times, solve the problem between person and content, it is existent demand; And each each body, also place happiness to the prospective body that content changes.
火星文: ф國三┿餘姩啲改革,朂初啲②┿哆姩,目標很粅囮,曉康.溫飽.翻両番,解決囚與粅の間啲問題,昰苼存啲需求;洏烸┅個個體,吔紦圉鍢寄托箌粅囮啲未唻身仩。