巴顿将军 · 507人关注
英文版: To this thing, my idea finally is, I am fated should make a few great outstanding achievement -- what thing, I also do not know. The event that produces recently is the thing of some of trifles originally, but its are affected is so terrible however, a haphazard does not cause this, arrange sacredly however. Sacred arrangement had been over.
火星文: 對這件倳,莪朂後啲想法昰,莪命ф紸萣偠做絀┅些偉夶啲業績——什仫倳,莪吔鈈知噵。朂近發苼啲倳件夲唻昰些雞毛蒜皮啲倳,但其影響卻昰那仫鈳怕,這鈈昰┅個偶然倳件造成啲,洏昰仩渧啲咹排。仩渧啲咹排巳經完叻。