茨威格 · 915人关注
英文版: Sympathize with have two kinds, one kind is the woman's soft nature of heart weakness, saw the misfortune of others, feel afflictive instinctively in the heart, fling caution to the winds immediately the ground wants to remove this eye cannot bear seen phenomenon, complete out emotive is actuation, often accomplish sth inadequacy beats an issue superabundant; Another kind is to cooperating to sympathize with sensibly truly calmly.
火星文: 哃情洧両種,┅種昰惢腸軟弱啲婦囚の仁,看叻別囚啲鈈圉,惢ф夲能地覺嘚難受,竝刻鈈顧┅切地想解除這目鈈忍睹啲哯潒,完銓絀自感情啲沖動,瑺瑺昰成倳鈈足敗倳洧餘啲;另┅種昰配匼著冷靜悝智啲眞㊣哃情。