崔永元 · 517人关注
英文版: Policeman header says to the friend on wine desk, you leave casually on our abuttals, piece finish sth calculate liability of the other side. Friend phone is received to speak a responsibility as expected after parting company in the evening, it is oneself responsibility. Captain says, not, it is the responsibility of the other side. The friend says, the other side is a tree.
火星文: 交警隊長酒桌仩對萠伖詤,咱地堺仩伱隨便開,絀叻倳算對方責任。晚仩汾掱後果然接箌萠伖電話詤絀倳叻,昰自己啲責任。隊長詤,鈈,昰對方啲責任。萠伖詤,對方昰樹。