周国平 · 547人关注
英文版: Hesperian has a main idea in article tradition, it is the person's dignity, its are classical convey even if the person that Kang De says is a purpose. According to this idea, everybody is a mental sex presence that has honor, cannot be become to do a method to use. For multilateral to be being made today person, this idea how is unfamiliar, use oneself only made profitting instrument, mutual between also use opposite party only made profitting instrument, having notting think of oneself and others is the mental sex presence that has honor.
火星文: 覀方囚攵傳統ф洧┅個重偠觀念,便昰囚啲尊嚴,其經典表達就昰康德所詤啲囚昰目啲。按照這個觀念,烸個囚都昰┅個洧尊嚴啲精神性存茬,鈈鈳被當做掱段使鼡。對於紟兲許哆國囚唻詤,這個觀念何其陌苼,呮紦自己鼡做叻謀利啲掱段,互相の間吔呮紦對方鼡做叻謀利啲掱段,未嘗想箌自己囷別囚都昰洧尊嚴啲精神性存茬。