顾小白 · 348人关注
英文版: Just go up to the sky like the tourist, rambled beside you. Have fortunately such, let me know I am not me only, I still have more powerful oneself, I am waiting in future. And in the heart of each man, have the worry of how many, have the panic of how many, because there is so much wolf on this world. I what this sheperd dog is forced to abandon me is docile, emit the most dazzling light towards this world.
火星文: 呮昰仩兲像遊愙┅樣,茬伱身邊逛叻┅佽。圉恏洧這樣┅佽,讓莪知噵莪並鈈呮昰莪,莪還洧哽強夶啲自己,茬未唻等著莪。洏烸┅個侽囚啲惢ф,洧哆尐啲焦慮,洧哆尐啲恐慌,因為這個卋堺仩洧這仫哆啲狼。莪這呮牧羴猋呮恏放棄莪啲溫順,姠著這個卋堺放絀朂耀眼啲咣。