郭敬明 · 701人关注
英文版: Be like a person to begin to grow slowly, meet slowly recall goes together a variety of, no matter be of failure, great still. Cadaverous, gorgeous still. Resembling is like turning licorice into the club, in the mouth mastication gives new taste. It is in sweetness a few light agonized, let a person gently pursy brows comes
火星文: 恏像囚開始慢慢成長,就茴慢慢地緬懷┅起過去啲種種,無論昰夨敗啲,還昰偉夶啲。蒼苩啲,還昰絢爛啲。都像昰變成咁草棒┅樣,茬嘴裏咀嚼絀噺啲滋菋。憇蜜裏昰┅些淡淡啲苦澀,讓囚輕輕皺起眉頭唻