郭敬明 · 462人关注
英文版: We are adoring the person that wears those sparkling to shine forever, we feel they resemble forever is a god the existence like venerating, they are used powerful and conquering without the glamour that can defy and force the world, but we do not know forever, they use what kind of price, went changing ablaze life.
火星文: 莪們詠遠都茬崇拜著那些閃閃發煷啲囚,莪們詠遠覺嘚彵們像昰神祗┅樣啲存茬,彵們鼡強夶洏無鈳抗拒啲魅仂囷仂量征垺著卋堺,鈳昰莪們詠遠鈈知噵,彵們鼡什仫樣啲玳價,去換唻叻閃煷啲囚苼。