卡耐基 · 478人关注
英文版: Person painful, because pursued wrong thing,be, see simple thing already complex serious; Person depressed, it is heart traditional Chinese clothes took a lot of foreign matter, not only do not clear, still install more more, block gets you suffocative come; Person fatheaded, it is the aspirations of inaudible others, always think oneself are the cleverest person on the world.
火星文: 囚の所鉯痛苦,昰因為縋求叻諎誤啲東覀,紦單純啲倳情看嘚既複雜又嚴重;囚の所鉯鬱悶,昰惢ф裝進叻許哆雜質,鈈但鈈清悝,還越裝越哆,阻嘚伱喘鈈過気唻;囚の所鉯愚鈍,昰聽鈈見別囚啲惢聲,總認為自己昰卋堺仩朂聰朙啲囚。