胡雪岩 · 815人关注
英文版: The woman always is a woman! The woman is able should visit a place, thing of the impracticable on man natural instincts, the woman is done get, this ability is truly able, if you are able in that way like the man, marry a trashy man only, ability shows your advantage, otherwise, will never have good result. Be what? Husband of a backboned, all thing is good bear, it is the face that flagrant madam binds the man on outer field.
火星文: 囡囚總昰囡囚!囡囚能幹偠看地方,侽囚夲性仩做鈈箌啲倳,囡囚做嘚箌,這才昰眞㊣能幹,洳果伱像侽囚那樣能幹,呮洧嫁個莈鼡啲丈夫,才能顯伱啲長處,鈈然,就決鈈茴洧恏結果。為啥呢?┅個洧骨気啲丈夫,樣樣倳情恏忍,就昰鈈能容忍呔呔茬外場仩紮丈夫啲面孓。