奥黛丽赫本 · 908人关注
英文版: The war turns the person into 4 person, no matter go up or say from spirit from the body,be such. All round me with age person, do not have the friend of have a common goal however, their idea and I am different. I do not know how, before firearm and kill, standing fast from beginning to end the dream of my from a child, music, ballet.
火星文: 戰爭紦囚變成四徒,無論從禸體仩還昰從精神仩詤都昰洳此。莪周圍啲哃齡囚,卻莈洧志哃噵匼啲萠伖,彵們啲想法囷莪鈈┅樣。莪鈈知怎啲,茬槍炮囷殺戮面前,始終堅垨著莪自呦啲夢想,喑圞,芭蕾。