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英文版: the person that tells oneself cause to everybody to listen, his value must be none full line. Cogent and hardworking person often does not harangue, what their earthshaking career showed them is great, but planning when weighing important matter course of study, silent does not make a sound them.
火星文: 嘩啦嘩啦紦自己啲倳業講給夶鎵聽啲囚,彵啲價徝必須昰毫鈈足噵啲。切實苦幹啲囚往往鈈昰高談闊論啲,彵們驚兲動地啲倳業顯示叻彵們啲偉夶,但昰茬籌劃重夶倳業啲塒候,彵們昰默鈈作聲啲。