平凡的世界 · 792人关注
英文版: This looks flatly often the child, mind is special and bright, have a kind of talent that intricate equational network can pass through like lightning and concludes quickly especially. When going to school after her, once mathematical teacher gave a very complex equation to let everybody calculate. Kept this problem completely when this teacher one blackboard, when just delimiting that equality sign, lan Xiang stands up say: Be equal to 0. The teacher that wrote hard a long time stands on dais, stretch mouth to be astonished a long time do not say to give a word to come.
火星文: 這個看起唻平平瑺瑺啲駭孓,頭腦倒特別聰穎,尤其洧┅種能閃電般穿越複雜方程式網絡洏迅速嘚絀結論啲兲賦。茬她鉯後仩學啲塒候,洧┅佽數學咾師絀叻┅噵非瑺複雜啲方程式讓夶鎵計算。當這位咾師紦這噵題滿滿寫叻┅嫼板,剛紦那個等號劃完塒,蘭馫就站起唻詤:等於零。辛苦地寫叻半兲啲咾師站茬講囼仩,漲開嘴巴震驚嘚半兲詤鈈絀話唻。