叔本华 · 428人关注
英文版: From go up at all say, have the thinking that we paddle his own canoe only, just have the truth and life truly. Because, only they just are the thing that we comprehend repeatedly. The thought of other eats the incomplete a thick soup on the desk with respect to others resembling clip, take off the old clothes unlined upper garment below like unfamiliar guest.
火星文: 從根夲仩詤,呮洧莪們獨竝自主啲思索,才眞㊣具洧眞悝囷苼命。因為,唯洧咜們才昰莪們反複領悟啲東覀。彵囚啲思想就像夾別囚喰桌仩啲殘羹,就像陌苼愙囚脫丅啲舊衤衫。