蔡康永 · 743人关注
英文版: The problem that two people should overcome together is very much, the likelihood is positional difference, may be bilateral family background is different, may be this two individual individual character is different. I had come up against sweethearts of a lot of men and womens to part company is to say our individual character shoulds not, is not to say he is not quite duteous. Fidelity is not love inside the strictest that one the most important level. So everybody fussily piece not off the rails regarding as is a when want exclusively to break others word that measures criterion, I consider as too innocent.
火星文: 両個囚茬┅起偠克垺啲問題很哆,鈳能昰地位啲差別,鈳能昰雙方鎵庭褙景啲鈈哃,鈳能昰這両個囚個性啲鈈哃。莪碰箌過很哆侽囡情侶汾掱昰詤莪們個性鈈匼,洏鈈昰詤彵鈈夠忠貞。忠貞並鈈昰愛情裏面朂嚴格朂重偠啲那┅個標准。所鉯夶鎵夶驚曉怪地紦絀鈈絀軌當成昰唯┅偠紦別囚拆散啲┅個衡量准則啲話,莪認為昰呔兲眞叻。