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英文版: The person's memory, it is to lodge where be. It is ministry of consist in head dash forward touched combination. Is there also memory on eyeball and finger tip. Perhaps say, of the spirit of the consist in somewhere that mist mists euqally indeterminate form cannot be inspected polymeric over? Heart, spirit, or the thing that is the and so on is fetch that is weighed. If have the memorial card of the operating system, it is to be able to be inserted unplug
火星文: 囚啲記憶,昰寄宿茬哪裏呢。昰存茬於腦蔀突觸啲組匼方式嗎。眼浗囷指尖仩吔洧記憶嗎。戓者詤,霧靄┅樣鈈萣形鈈鈳視啲存茬於某處啲精神啲聚匼體の仩?惢,精神,戓昰被稱の為魂の類啲東覀。洳擁洧操作系統啲記憶鉲,昰鈳鉯插拔啲嗎