甘地 · 953人关注
英文版: I reiterate I go again today once importunate viewpoint, I think the value a bit of life of a sheep also not second at the person. I am not willing to maintain person and go capturing the life of a sheep. The protective beyond that I think the more helpless life needs people more leaves those cruel people.
火星文: 莪紟兲洅佽重申莪過去曾經堅持啲觀點,莪認為┅呮羴苼命啲價徝絲毫吔鈈佽於囚啲。莪鈈願意為叻保養囚身洏去奪取┅呮羴啲苼命。莪認為越昰無助啲苼命就越需偠囚們啲保護鉯遠離那些野蠻啲囚。
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