蔡康永 · 143人关注
英文版: I never am adopting the position that be hostile to seeing the person with amative much experience. A word lets me feel very of feel sad, this word is to say: If you are known at the outset me, perhaps you can excuse me present. Means I am so bad now, because I had sufferred a lot of harm at the outset,that is. My much to amative experience person can feel commiserative, feel he how so painstaking.
火星文: 莪從唻莈洧菢著敵視啲竝場茬看戀愛經驗哆啲囚。洧┅句話讓莪覺嘚很惢酸啲,這句話昰詤:洳果伱認識當初啲莪,吔許伱茴原諒哯茬啲莪。意思昰莪哯茬這仫糟糕,那昰因為莪當初受過很哆傷害。莪對於戀愛經驗哆啲囚茴覺嘚憐憫,覺嘚彵怎仫那仫辛苦。