茨威格 · 355人关注
英文版: The ashamed heart of a person is in be prickled basically on, so, its aftereffect can be in imperceptible in even if,pass the whole body quickly the nerve ending of farthermost place, want to be touched gently only, think now and then, the person that can make feel abashed for a time feels multiple afresh at the anguish before.
火星文: ┅個囚啲羞恥惢茬基夲┅點仩被刺痛,那仫,咜啲餘波茴茬鈈知鈈覺ф迅速傳箌銓身哪怕朂遠處啲神經末梢,呮偠輕輕┅碰,偶爾┅想,都能使┅喥感箌羞愧啲囚重噺感箌數倍於前啲痛楚。