小时代 · 499人关注
英文版: Big inside the schoolboy of one, the person of 80% is wearing glasses, the dress trouser legs that remains 20% lis to have an in part is 3 inches short trousers, show the white nylon sock inside, and additional half, throw into the sea of faces, searching them impossibly also forever.
火星文: 夶┅啲侽苼裏面,百汾の八┿啲囚戴著眼鏡,剩丅百汾の②┿裏洧┅半啲穿著褲腿短三団啲褲孓,露絀裏面啲苩銫胒龖襪孓,洏另外┅半,扔進囚海裏,就詠遠吔鈈鈳能茬尋找箌彵們。