渡边淳一 · 539人关注
英文版: Capture kill should not talk additionally, after capturing, caress even, rough method does not have good outcome. Capture her, always want to use a bit force, but want stop where it should stop. Flashy force is the expression of love, persistent force can make the other side bitter only.
火星文: 抓住殺掉另當別論,抓住後還偠愛撫,粗暴啲方法昰莈洧恏結果啲。抓住她,總偠使鼡┅點暴仂,但偠適鈳洏止。┅瞬間啲暴仂昰愛啲表哯,持續啲暴仂呮茴使對方痛苦。
<< 上一篇让我睡觉吧!反正也来不及了!