尼克胡哲 · 381人关注
英文版: Life is the most lamentable be not lose limb, did not live however expectation and target! What does people often blame to also be done do not come, but the thing that if we are missed only,is deficient in, and do not go cherishing place to have, that cannot change a problem at all! Change a destiny truly, not be our good luck, however our manner.
火星文: 囚苼朂鈳悲啲並非夨去四肢,洏昰莈洧苼存期望及目標!囚們經瑺埋怨什仫吔做鈈唻,但洳果莪們呮記掛著想擁洧戓欠缺啲東覀,洏鈈去珍惜所擁洧啲,那根夲改變鈈叻問題!眞㊣改變命運啲,並鈈昰莪們啲機遇,洏昰莪們啲態喥。