海贼王 · 898人关注
英文版: Is sea thief evil? Is navy justice? This kind of plaything is in charge of him to more or less can be written afresh! What do not know peace is impish what contend for with unidentified Bai Zhan is impish, their viewpoint of value is different. The person that stands in acme can write good and evil afresh! There is this place only now just is indifferent! Can be justice gotten the better of? That is of course, have a winner only, just be justice!
火星文: 海賊昰惡?海軍昰㊣図?這種玩意ㄦ管彵哆尐都能重噺圕寫!鈈懂嘚囷平啲曉鬼囷鈈朙苩戰爭啲曉鬼,彵們啲價徝觀昰鈈哃啲。站茬頂點啲囚鈳鉯重噺圕寫善惡!哯茬呮洧這個地方才昰ф竝啊!㊣図茴勝?那昰當然啲吧,呮洧勝者,才昰㊣図啊!