比尔盖茨 · 544人关注
英文版: The school perhaps has been divided no longer classy be born and low-grade unripe, but the life still is in however make similar and divisional. Had abolished in certain school fail cent; Want you to want to find correct solution only, the school can give you countless chances. The everything in this and real life does not have similar point.
火星文: 學校吔許巳經鈈洅汾優等苼囷劣等苼,但苼活卻仍茬作絀類似區汾。茬某些學校巳經廢除鈈及格汾;呮偠伱想找箌㊣確答案,學校就茴給伱無數啲機茴。這囷哯實苼活ф啲任何倳情莈洧┅點相似の處。