郭敬明 · 979人关注
英文版: Mount a picture of lattice of our youth window, it is countless pieces of thickly dotted examination paper. Spread out of ground of their with a vast territory is in our world. Have paragraph of time, they are our worlds. They raise our world group rise, little life expands in the space in this stricture, now and then somebody shows broken window paper with the hand that takes blood, spent effort stand on tiptoe removes tiptoe, looking forward to the world outside.
火星文: 裝裱莪們圊春窗欞啲,昰無數漲密密麻麻啲試卷。彵們幅員遼闊地鋪展茬莪們啲卋堺裏。洧段塒間,彵們就昰莪們啲卋堺。彵們將莪們啲卋堺圈養起唻,曉曉啲苼命膨脹茬這狹窄啲涳間裏,偶爾洧囚鼡帶血啲掱指點破窗紙,鼡盡仂気踮起腳尖,憧憬著外面啲卋堺。
<< 上一篇在她的心里潜伏着一个深渊,扔下巨石也发不出声音。
下一篇 >>将责任与权力前移,让听得见炮声的人来呼唤炮火。