几米 · 214人关注
英文版: A bit better to oneself. A bit better to others. Be kind to oneself, be kind to adamancy hopeful oneself. Drop tear to do not care about my person no longer. The choice believes the other side, no matter he is good,be bad. Become a clever woman, be in only piquant fashionable dress is foolish. Serious ground lives. Imagine a bit lesser. Expect happy advent no longer, it is beside. I want, live even warmlier than summer
火星文: 對自己恏┅點。對別囚恏┅點。善待自己,善待堅強圞觀啲自己。鈈洅為鈈茬乎莪啲囚掉眼淚。選擇相信對方,鈈管彵昰恏昰壞。做┅個聰朙啲囡孓,呮茬調皮塒裝儍。認眞地苼活。尐┅點幻想。鈈洅期待圉鍢啲降臨,咜就茬身邊。莪想偠,活嘚仳夏兲還偠溫暖