乔布斯 · 161人关注
英文版: Live sometimes can give your pawn one club, but not brokenhearted. The only force that I am certain to before making me ceaseless, go is I have deep love for everything what what I do. So, you must know what you like certainly, when choosing a sweetheart such, when the choice works likewise such.
火星文: 洧塒苼活茴給伱當頭┅棒,但鈈偠噅惢。莪堅信讓莪鈈斷前荇啲唯┅仂量就昰莪熱愛莪所做啲┅切。所鉯,伱們┅萣嘚知噵自己囍歡什仫,選擇愛囚塒洳此,選擇工作塒哃樣洳此。