杨澜 · 366人关注
英文版: It is a such noisy timeses, your mood depends on the direction that the voice that you hear today comes from. Face the period of huge information, sometimes you discover all sound right on the face can helplessly, be without choice land to flood you, the mood that lets you do not have a law to make clear him Hunan after all should how.
火星文: 就昰這樣┅個嘈雜啲塒玳,伱啲惢情取決於伱紟兲聽箌啲聲喑唻自啲方姠。面對海量信息啲塒玳,洧塒伱茴無助地發哯所洧啲聲喑劈頭蓋臉,毫無選擇地將伱淹莈,讓伱莈法搞清楚自己啲惢情究竟應該洳何。