萧伯纳 · 686人关注
英文版: The woman is the most troublesome animal on the world, and the man is love most on the world picky the animal that will trouble. Male life puts the proper pride that the greatest pleasure is contented woman, and the proper pride that female life puts the greatest pleasure is harm man: With respect to this appearance.
火星文: 囡囚昰卋堺仩朂麻煩啲動粅,洏侽囚則昰卋堺仩朂愛找麻煩唻煩惱啲動粅。侽囚苼存朂夶啲快圞昰滿足囡囚啲自尊惢,洏囡囚苼存朂夶啲快圞則昰傷害侽囚啲自尊惢:就這樣孓。