傅雷 · 246人关注
英文版: I know you are busy, but you also know I have not no hurry, also mix at least you are euqally busy. I am close 78 months body declines greatly, the oneself after trip and fall has 2 half moon, leg force has not restore, lumbar ache is more fierce. But I still am filling the job forcedly, write a letter, for you interpret Mozart is waited a moment is to take breathing space, bearing lumbago to do. The child, why do you often call a person be very worried about? The period that your letter should reach the budget, one day does not arrive, do not get with respect to a day on our spirit stable.
火星文: 莪知噵伱忙,鈳昰伱吔知噵莪未嘗鈈忙,至尐吔囷伱┅樣忙。莪近七八個仴身體夶衰,跌交後己洧②個半仴,腿仂尚未恢複,腰蔀酸痛哽昰厲害。但莪仍硬撐著工作,寫信,替伱譯莫紮特等等都昰拿休息塒間,忍著腰痛唻做啲。駭孓,伱為什仫咾叫囚牽腸掛肚呢?預算伱啲信該箌啲塒期,┅兲鈈箌,莪們精神仩就┅兲鈈嘚咹萣。