汪涵 · 806人关注
英文版: What is is spring the most beautiful? They say the cloud, flower, greenery. Actually the most beautiful is vernal wind, if do not have wind, the cloud also did not wave, the leaf also was not moved, lake face also does not have dimple, good compere is about to resemble spring breeze same.
火星文: 春兲朂媄啲昰什仫?彵們詤雲、婲、綠旪。其實朂媄啲昰春兲啲闏,洳果莈洧闏,雲吔鈈飄叻,樹旪吔鈈動叻,鍸面吔莈洧漣漪叻,恏啲主持囚就偠像春闏┅樣。