张小娴 · 596人关注
英文版: There is very safe move at all on the world, when love metamorphism, acceptance is degenerative also. However, although once disappointed, I or meeting believe a promise; Just, the meeting in the heart leaves a leeway to give his. So, did not cash when the promise of the other side, I also can smile to say with him: Oh, I do not hate you.
火星文: 卋仩根夲莈洧絕對啲咹銓感,當愛變質,承諾吔就變質。然洏,即使曾經夨望,莪還昰茴相信諾訁;呮昰,惢ф茴留┅條退蕗給自己。那仫,當對方啲諾訁莈洧兌哯,莪吔鈳鉯微笑哏彵詤:哦,莪鈈恨伱。