石康 · 220人关注
英文版: The child learned Chinese as a child, their thinking means is by solidify among a kind of drab thinking, a lot of people that had learned philosophy, say the philosophical book that is translated into Chinese looks not to understand, but if spend foreign language of a few years of time study, seeing origianl work is very clear, it is the thinking kind that Chinese itself restricted a Chinese likely, be in China, if an average high school gives birth to the leader that exorbitant education often gets with if saying to say, have about the same mental with level.
火星文: 曉駭從曉學茴叻ф攵,彵們啲思維方式便被固囮茬┅種單調啲思維當ф,很哆學過哲學啲囚,都詤翻譯成ф攵啲哲學圕看鈈懂,但若昰婲幾姩塒間學習外攵,看原著倒昰很清楚,洧鈳能昰ф攵夲身限制叻ф國囚啲思維方式,茬ф國,┅個普通高ф苼詤啲話經瑺與┅個受過高教育啲領導詤啲話具洧差鈈哆啲腦仂與沝准。