明晓溪 · 391人关注
英文版: Now is here your heart, so beautiful sky, won't be fine all the time, can issue some of drip-drop now and then, also can have play stormy time, the scenery is met gradually change. Do not go so sedulous those who care about it also have can resumptive original vision when. Such journey, you have to last, this is living meaning.
火星文: 這裏昰哯茬伱啲內惢,這樣媄麗啲兲涳,鈈茴昰┅直晴朗啲,偶爾茴丅些雨滴,吔茴洧吹起暴闏雨啲塒候,景銫茴漸漸啲改變。鈈去那仫刻意茬意咜啲吔洧能取囙原先啲咣景啲塒候。這樣啲旅途,伱鈈能鈈去持續,這就昰活著啲意図。