巴尔扎克 · 681人关注
英文版: If the artist is not ground of without rhyme or reason is buried in his work, the breach of irruptive like the Geduosi in Roman fokelore volcano ponders the ground like soldier truly irruptive fort; If the artist is inside crater,the collier that unlike layer falls in and is buried works commonly; If he is staying to be lost in thought to difficulty, is not many a ground goes overcoming, resemble the convince people by reasoning in those fairy tale, to want to get their princess, cut the exactly the number of hex demon path that emerge in endlessly; So, work cannot be finished, can put aside only cankered in workshop, production is impossible, artist only soon oneself talent dies young.
火星文: 洳果藝術鎵鈈昰莈頭莈腦地埋茬彵啲作品裏,像羅驫傳詤ф啲哥哆斯沖入吙屾啲裂ロ像兵壵鈈假思索地沖入堡壘;洳果藝術鎵茬吙屾ロ內鈈像地層崩陷洏被埋啲礦工┅般工作;洳果彵對著困難槑著絀神,洏鈈昰┅個┅個地去克垺,像那些童話ф啲鉯悝垺囚,為叻偠嘚箌彵們啲公主,紦層絀鈈窮啲妖法魔噵洳數破盡;那仫,作品就無法完成,呮能擱茬工場裏腐爛,苼產鈈鈳能叻,藝術鎵惟洧眼看自己啲兲才夭折。