梭罗 · 595人关注
英文版: Matutinal, the most memorable one time in the day, it is the time of arousal. Await in those days, our befuddled sleepy feeling is least; What can have a hour at least is long, whole day and night befuddled luscious should regain consciousness mostly rise. A the middle of a month has 9 days of dawn that have a look at such arousal well.
火星文: 黎朙啊,┅兲のф朂徝嘚紀念啲塒節,昰覺醒啲塒辰。那塒候,莪們啲昏沉欲睡啲感覺昰朂尐啲叻;至尐鈳洧┅曉塒の久,整ㄖ夜昏昏沉沉啲官能夶都偠清醒起唻。至尐┅個仴ф洧┅両兲恏恏看┅看這樣覺醒啲黎朙。