徐志摩 · 709人关注
英文版: His world does not have her, her world has him only. The world is such, never fair but character. This is a wrestle battle that does not have time limit, what who cares is more, what be defeated is more miserable. You can suddenly appear, in the cafes of the corner, I can take smiling face, greet with you, do not go saying once upon a time, just greet, say to you, just say, disappear for ages.
火星文: 彵啲卋堺莈洧她,她啲卋堺呮洧彵。卋堺就昰這樣,從唻莈洧公平鈳訁。這昰┅場莈洧塒限啲角仂戰,誰茬乎啲越哆,就輸啲越慘。伱茴鈈茴忽然啲絀哯,茬街角啲咖啡店,莪茴帶著笑臉,囷伱寒暄,鈈去詤從前,呮昰寒暄,對伱詤┅句,呮昰詤┅句,恏久鈈見。