汪国真 · 376人关注
英文版: Teenager, since long knowledge also is the period of chief body, study and recreation cannot do one thing and neglect another. Look in me, it is the body above all good, just be to had learned next. Common saying says the body is capital, a person did not have even capital, able still what issue to become?
火星文: 尐姩,既昰長知識吔昰長身體啲塒期,學習囷娛圞鈈鈳偏廢。茬莪看唻,首先昰身體恏,其佽才昰學習恏。俗話詤身體昰夲錢,┅個囚連夲錢都莈洧叻,還能幹成什仫倳呢?