胡雪岩 · 709人关注
英文版: He arrives deal comes here, we also can go there him deal. Come round to say in the eye, the Chinese's business should the Chinese is done, the Chinese's money also wants a Chinese to earn. Want petty gain not to fall only the other side, need not must I develop.
火星文: 彵箌莪們這裏唻做苼意,莪們吔鈳鉯箌彵那裏去做苼意。茬眼前唻詤,ф國囚啲苼意應該ф國囚做,ф國囚啲錢吔偠ф國囚唻賺。呮偠便宜鈈落對方,鈈必┅萣偠莪發達。