杨澜 · 677人关注
英文版: Life is alive, brief nevertheless hundred years. Time is quiet good, heart, smile forever to warm; Truly thinks, do not expect, too good every today, let a day pass pure and goodly; Good, stay in the bottom of the heart; Regretful, drop off along with wind. Live in instantly, and row and cherish.
火星文: 囚苼茬卋,短暫鈈過百姩。塒咣靜恏,惢,詠遠微笑姠暖;鈈假想,鈈期望,過恏烸個紟兲,讓ㄖ孓過嘚單純洏媄恏;媄恏啲,留茬惢底;遺憾啲,隨闏散去。活茬當丅,且荇且珍惜。