史铁生 · 985人关注
英文版: Man can conquer nature is an exaggerated encouragement, the person is the ability that is thrown to this world to come up it is the true state of affairs. Be born and be a person, eventually hard to avoid loses painstakingly helpless, you are how gallant inapproachable, hou Xuebo is heard, tang of how tasteful Ti, the world still wants with its tremendous mysterious place your position at ignorant incapacity.
火星文: 囚萣勝兲昰┅句訁過其實啲鼓勵,囚昰被拋箌這個卋堺仩唻啲才昰實情。苼洏為囚,終難免苦弱無助,伱便昰哆仫英勇無敵,厚學博聞,哆仫闏鋶倜儻,卋堺還昰偠鉯其巨夶啲神秘置伱於無知無能啲地位。